Novel isoforms of amelogenin gene in
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<p><b><i>Ctenosaura similis</i></b><b>.</b> (A) Alignment analysis of the full-length novel iguana amelogenin cDNA sequence <i>C. similis</i>-T2S, C. <i>similis</i>-T2L, and <i>I. iguana</i>. The full-length of <i>C. similis</i>-T2S transcript is 825 bp, while <i>C. similis</i>-T2L transcript is 873 bp. In relation to <i>C. similis</i>-T2S and <i>I. iguana</i>, the <i>C. similis</i>-T2L contains additional 48 bp located between nucleotide 217 and 218. The 5′-untranslated region contains 69 bp upstream of translation start codon ATG. The 3′-untranslated region contains 183 bp. (B) Sequence analysis of deduced amino acid of <i>I. iguana</i>, <i>C. similis</i>-T2S, and <i>C. similis</i>-T2L. The <i>C. similis</i>-T2S encodes 190 amino acid residues, while <i>C. similis</i>-T2L encodes 206 amino acid residues. Additional 16 amino acid residues were revealed in the deduced <i>C. similis</i>-T2L amino acid sequence located between amino acid residue 49 and 50 in relation to <i>C. similis</i>-T2S. Similar to <i>I. iguana</i>, the T2S and T2L also have a deletion of 3 amino acid residues in exon 3. The nucleotides/amino acid sequence variations were indicated and highlighted as red color.</p