The amplitude-intensity curves of the rod- and cone-driven 10-Hz flicker ERG OFF pathway responses in mice.
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<p>The OFF response threshold of the APB-treated <i>C57BL/6</i> mice (n = 5) is −2.35 log cd-s/m<sup>2</sup> (Panel A). The amplitude increases with the intensity and reaches a plateau starting at −1.15 log cd-s/m<sup>2</sup>. The response threshold of the APB-injected <i>rho<sup>−/−</sup></i> mice (n = 4) is −1.15 log cd-s/m<sup>2</sup>. The flicker ERG OFF pathway responses of the APB-injected <i>cpfl1</i> mice (n = 5) are seen at a light intensity range of −2.15 ∼ −0.65 log cd-s/m<sup>2</sup>. The threshold of the saline-injected <i>nob1</i> mice (n = 7) is comparable to that of the APB-injected wild-type mice. The summation of the flicker ERG amplitude-intensity curves of the APB-injected <i>rho<sup>−/−</sup></i> and <i>cpfl1</i> mice resembles the profile of the APB-injected <i>C57BL/6</i> mice. ((Panel B. Bars indicate the standard deviation.).</p