Dark-adapted 10-Hz flicker ERG OFF pathway responses in mice.
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<p>The black traces show the ERGs from a saline-injected eye and the blue traces show the ERGs from the contralateral APB-injected eye of a <i>C57BL/6</i> mouse. The red traces show the flicker ERGs from a saline-injected eye of a <i>nob1</i> mouse. The saline-injected eye of the wild-type mouse presents normal rod- and cone-driven flicker responses. The APB-injected <i>C57BL/6</i> mouse eye and the saline-injected <i>nob1</i> mouse eye show similar ERGs. The flicker response amplitudes decrease and the thresholds increase. In the APB-injected <i>C57BL/6</i> mouse and in the saline-injected <i>nob1</i> mouse, residual flicker responses (∼20% of the control) persist at intensity levels where signals are rod- or cone-driven.</p