Adsorption and release of PDGF-BB from scaffolds. <i>A)</i>
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<p>Scaffolds were incubated in PBS containing 1.5 µg PDGF-BB for 24 h at 4°C. ELISA assays were used to measure the unbound PDGF-BB in the supernatants. Adsorption of PDGF-BB to the scaffolds was determined by subtracting the unbound PDGF-BB from the 1.5 µg of PDGF-BB initially added. Data are from three independent experiments (* denotes p<0.01). <b><i>B)</i></b> ELISAs were used to measure the amounts of PDGF-BB in conditioned PBS solution collected from the scaffolds at the indicated time intervals over a period of 8 weeks (for many of the data points, error bars are too small to be visualized).</p