Concordance matrices (κ) of participants’ diagnoses and diagnoses calculated by the DST using clinical signs recorded during the study.
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<p>κ-values for each DST diagnosis in columns are indicated for each participant diagnosis in rows. Main diagonal (mostly boldface numbers) indicating agreement between like diagnoses, other cells indicating possible cross-agreement between differing diagnoses. Boldface numbers indicate at least ‘fair’ agreement (κ ≥0.2); non-bold, positive numbers indicate slight agreement (0.2> κ >0); negative numbers indicate no cross-agreement, i.e. less than that expected by chance.</p><p><sup>1</sup>Other: any participant’s diagnosis other than the eight conditions listed on the DST; a DST diagnosis of ‘other’ resulted when none of its 16 signs was recorded for a case.</p>2<p>SCH: schistosomosis. [Further abbreviations as <a href="" target="_blank">Table 3</a>.].</p