Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of Chinese mitten crab <i>lepr</i>.
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<p>Nucleotides (upper) are numbered beginning at the 5′ end. Amino acids (lower), shown using one-letter abbreviations, are numbered beginning at the initiating methionine. The signal peptide is underlined, and the mature peptide is enclosed in the black box. The three conserved cysteine residues in the deduced amino acid sequence are shown in grey boxes. The stop codon is marked by an asterisk. The polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) is enclosed in the black ellipse. Arrows indicate the positions of primers; black boxes indicate the coding region; white lines indicate 5′ and 3′ UTRs; curly bracket indicate position of the EST clone. The <i>E. sinensis lepr</i> sequence was submitted to GenBank under accession number GU443952.</p