Adjusted OR and 95% CIs of respiratory diseases with respect to ambient air pollutants (2006–2008) among children without allergic predisposition (n = 26004)<sup>†</sup>.
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†<p>Models were adjusted for the variables with asterisks in <a href="" target="_blank">table 4</a>.</p>‡<p>OR were scaled to the interquartile range for each pollutant (31 µg/m<sup>3</sup> for PM<sub>10</sub>, 21 µg/m<sup>3</sup> for SO<sub>2</sub>, 10 µg/m<sup>3</sup> for NO<sub>2</sub>, 1001 µg/m<sup>3</sup> for CO, and 23 µg/m<sup>3</sup> for O<sub>3</sub>).</p