Effect of mono-specific human anti-<i>Ov</i>-CPI-2 antibodies on L3 molting and viability in the presence of normal human neutrophils.
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a<p><i>O. volvulus</i> L3 were cultured in complete medium alone or in complete medium containing negative control antibodies purified from the same serum donor using a λgt11 lysate column or mono-specific antibodies to r<i>Ov</i>-CPI-2 in the presence of 2×10<sup>5</sup> normal human neutrophils per well for 6 days. Larval molting and viability were determined as described under the “<a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0000800#s2" target="_blank">Materials & Methods</a>” section. Three experiments were performed, where each consisted of a total of 10 wells per treatment group with 5 larvae per well. The results are the mean ± SEM and the range of the three experiments.</p><p>*Significance between groups was determined by unpaired t test with Welch's correction with <i>p</i> = 0.007 between medium control and the anti-<i>Ov</i>-CPI-2 group and <i>p</i> = 0.028 between the negative antibodies and the anti-<i>Ov</i>-CPI-2 group.</p><p>**There is no significant difference between the three groups.</p