
Estrategias y acciones del proyecto MEDRAP para el diseño y la implementación de un programa de acción regional en los países del Anexo IV


The Annex IV for the Northern Mediterranean of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has been ratified by all the Countries in this area: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey. Since then, several activities have been set up to elaborate and implement the National Action Programmes (NAPs) and to elaborate the Regional Action Programme (RAP) for the Northern Mediterranean. The UNCCD has also been ratified by the European Commission and is now seriously committed in its implementation. The EC has financed several projects to support the UNCCD implementation among which is the MEDRAP Concerted Action. This project is now underway and aims to support the Annex IV Countries in the elaboration of the RAP for the Northern Mediterranean by promoting exchanges among the scientists and stakeholders from the different Countries

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