Single Ag Nanoparticle Electro-oxidation: Potential-Dependent
Current Traces and Potential-Independent Electron Transfer Kinetic
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current traces were first observed for the
same sized nanoparticles (NPs) during the dynamic electro-oxidation
process of single AgNPs. In this work, we demonstrated that the motion
trajectories of NPs, coupled with electrochemical kinetics parameters,
qualitatively predicted from the series of the experimentally observed
current traces obtained single AgNPs collision behaviors. Based on
the Poisson–Boltzmann equation for a general electrochemical
reaction, a rate constant of Ag oxidation could be further estimated
to be 1 × 10<sup>–6</sup> mol·cm<sup>–2</sup>·s<sup>–1</sup> for electron transfer between AgNPs and
the Au electrode by comparing the experimental results. Our method
provided a meaningful attempt to test electron transfer kinetics and
motion behaviors of single NPs using the high-resolution electrochemical