Adenoviral genomic DNA is not sufficient to induce keratitis in mice.
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<p>(A) Confocal microscopy of mouse corneal stroma at 1 day after mock treatment with transfection reagent alone (M), HAdV-5 vector expressing eGFP (V), or plasmid vector EGFP-C1 (90 or 500 ng DNA). Photographs are representative of three corneas in each group. Scale bar, 200 µM. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of corneas at 1 day after injection with transfection reagent alone (M), plasmid vector (90 or 500 ng DNA) and transfection reagent, or HAdV-5 (V) vector expressing eGFP. Numbers in histograms denote percentage of total cells expressing eGFP. (C and D) C57BL/6J mouse corneas were injected with virus free buffer (M), HAdV-37 (V) or 90 ng and 500 ng of HAdV-37 genomic DNA with transfection reagent and observed up to 4 dpi. Representative photographs (C) and histopathology sections (D) of corneas at 4 dpi are shown (n = 5 mice/group).</p