Components of the <i>Toll-NF</i>κ<i>B</i> signaling pathway modulate Aβ42 polypetide induced neurodegeneration.
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<p>Panels A–F: In the experiments shown in this figure all flies are siblings that are hemizygous for the pGMR-Aβ42 transgene. The fly on the left side of each panel is a wild type sib, while the fly on the right side of each panel is a sib that is heterozygous for the indicated mutation in the <i>Toll-NF</i>κ<i>B</i> signaling pathway mutant. Panel A: <i>dl<sup>1</sup></i>. Panel B: <i>dl<sup>4</sup></i>. Panel C: <i>dl<sup>8</sup></i>. Panel D: <i>pll<sup>2</sup></i>. Panel E: <i>pll<sup>7</sup></i>. Panel F: <i>tub</i>.</p