The problem is there any research on the influence of the traditionalgame triple jump results XI IPS 2 students of SMAN 6 Pontianak. The purpose ofthe study the influence of the traditional game against the triple jump results XIIPS 2 students of SMAN 6 Pontianak. The method used is an experimentalmethod to form a pre-experimental design. Population class XI students of SMAN6 students Pontianak 120. Sampling is purposive sampling technique that is classXI IPS2 SMAN 6 Pontianak, amounting to 28 students. Data analysis wasperformed using t-test analysis. The results of the initial test average 15.54 and anaverage final test 17.68, an increase of 2.11. The results of the t-test t-test valueof 9.899 is greater than the value of 2.052 ttable, influences of traditional gamesagainst triple jump results XI IPS 2 students of SMAN 6 Pontianak significant.The percentage increase amounts to 13.77%