Scaffold proteins allow for signals to be distributed over many time scales.
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<p>Variation of the survival probability with time scaled to characteristic time scales, <i>τ</i>. (A) <i>S</i>(<i>t</i>/<i>τ</i>) (on a semi-logarithmic scale) for different values of <i>ζ</i>. Values of <i>ζ</i> are given in the legend. Large deviations of exponential decay are observed near the optimal value of <i>ζ</i> (<i>ζ</i> = 1, red). (B) Survival probabilities were fit to a stretched exponential function (). Values of stretching exponent <i>β</i> as a function of scaffold density <i>ζ</i> are shown. Two cases are considered: (1) kinases can be activated only while bound to a scaffold (red) and (2) kinases can be activated while in solution and bound to a scaffold (blue). <i>β</i> deviates most from a purely an exponential (<i>β</i> = 1) at the optimal value of scaffold density (<i>ζ</i> = 1) in both cases.</p