Results of adjusted<sup>a</sup> space-time cluster analyses performed in SpaceStat, based on 15 nearest neighbours, 999 permutations, and by three different time scales.
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a<p>Adjusted for previous history of autoimmune disease, HIV/AIDS or organ transplantation.</p>b<p>The total number of statistically significant cases with a <i>Q<sub>ik</sub></i> p-value of 0.001, which indicates the number of cases that are centers of clusters over their life-course. <sup>c</sup> Number of statistically significant <i>Q<sub>ik</sub></i> (p = 0.001) cases that also have significant <i>Q<sub>ikt</sub></i> (p ≤ 0.05) and are members of a cluster of at least 4 cases. <sup>d</sup> Indicate where and when the cases tend to cluster.</p>e<p>Refers to the map in <a href="" target="_blank">figure 2</a>, which shows the suggested clusters of NHL in Denmark based on the adjusted analyses. <sup>f</sup> Control group.</p