High <i>K</i> Nanophase Zinc Oxide on Biomimetic
Silicon Nanotip Array as Supercapacitors
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A 3D trenched-structure metal–insulator–metal
nanocapacitor array with an ultrahigh equivalent planar capacitance
(EPC) of ∼300 μF cm<sup>–2</sup> is demonstrated.
Zinc oxide (ZnO) and aluminum oxide (Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>)
bilayer dielectric is deposited on 1 μm high biomimetic silicon
nanotip (SiNT) substrate using the atomic layer deposition method.
The large EPC is achieved by utilizing the large surface area of the
densely packed SiNT (∼5 × 10<sup>10</sup> cm<sup>–2</sup>) coated conformally with an ultrahigh dielectric constant of ZnO.
The EPC value is 30 times higher than those previously reported in
metal–insulator–metal or metal–insulator–semiconductor
nanocapacitors using similar porosity dimensions of the support materials