Sex-differential selection favors the evolution of biased RXI.
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<p>Black curves are based on <a href="" target="_blank">eq. (8)</a> for the mutation-selection balance model of genetic variation; diamonds are based on numerical evaluation of the more exact <a href="" target="_blank">eq. (7)</a>. Gray curves are based on <a href="" target="_blank">eq. (9)</a> for sexually antagonistic alleles maintained by balancing selection. Results for the mutation-selection balance case assume equal male and female selection coefficients (<i>s<sub>m</sub></i>β=β<i>s<sub>f</sub></i>). Biases are further accentuated when <i>s<sub>m</sub></i>><i>s<sub>f</sub></i>; biases may be dampened or reversed when <i>s<sub>m</sub></i><<i>s<sub>f</sub></i>.</p