Phylogenetic analysis of 42 global strains of PCMV based on the 2580 bp <i>gB</i> complete nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence.
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<p>(A) Phylogenetic tree constructed from nucleotide sequences. (B) Phylogenetic tree constructed from amino acid sequences. The reference PCMV <i>gB</i> nucleotide sequences were obtained from GenBank: SC strain (accession no. JN701021.1); ZZ strain (accession no. FJ870562.1); NB strain (accession no. FJ844360.1, FJ870561.1); FJ strain (accession no. FJ870564.1); JH strain (accession no. FJ870563.1); HN isolate (accession no.HQ686081.1, HQ686080.1, FJ595497.1, EF460488.1); Spanish 55b isolate (accession no. AF268040.2); B6 strain (accession no. AF268039.2); Japanese OF-1 strain (accession no. AF268041.2); Japanese Yamaguchi strain (accession no. AB771707.1, AB771708.1, AB771706.1); Swedish isolate P1 (accession no. AF394057.1); Swedish isolate 1469 (accession no. AF394056).Multiple alignment was performed in the Clustal W program, and MEGA 5.0 software was used to construct the neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum likelihood (ML) trees. Bootstrap values >65% from 1000 pseudo-replicates are indicated at the branch nodes. Numbers in parentheses are the maximum likelihood. Strains are designated by accession number, country/district, and strain name. The 24 strains analyzed in this study are indicated by (♦). The two major groups were identified as A and B.</p