Unusual Effect of an Electron Beam on the Formation
of Core/Shell (Co/CoO) Nanoparticles Differing by Their Crystalline
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this study, an unusual effect of the electron beam in transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) on the formation of Co/CoO core/shell structures
is developed through careful in situ TEM/scanning TEM (STEM) analysis.
By feature of the nanoscale precision of this approach, the electron
beam-irradiated Co nanoparticles reveals remarkable resistance to
oxidation compared to those without irradiation treatment. Moreover,
the irradiated hcp single domain Co nanocrystals result in Co/CoO
core/shell nanoparticles after oxidation, instead of the CoO hollow
nanoparticles without irradiation treatment. This study highlights
the electron beam can also play a role in nanoscale Kirkendall effect,
in addition to the nanocrystallinity and 2D ordering effect that we
have recently demonstrated. By careful in situ STEM-EELS (electron
energy-loss spectroscopy) studies of the Co nanoparticles, it was
found that the deliberately irradiated nanoparticles undergo an outward
diffusion process of Co ions, forming an oxide layer with O species
produced by the carboxylic group covalently bound to the Co atoms
of the surface