Anthryl-Substituted 3‑Silylene-2-silaaziridine
Obtained by Isomerization of Disilacyclopropanimine: An Exocyclic
Silene Showing a Distinct Intramolecular Charge Transfer Transition
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An anthryl-substituted exocyclic
silene, 3-silylene-2-silaaziridine,
was synthesized by isomerization of the corresponding disilacyclopropanimine.
The UV–vis spectrum of the silene shows a distinct intramolecular
charge transfer (ICT) transition from the π orbital of the SiC
double bond to the π* orbital of the anthryl moiety. The relatively
high-lying π(SiC) orbital of the 3-silylene-2-silaaziridine
moiety and the low-lying π* orbital of the anthryl group would
be responsible for the distinct ICT band