<i>Tg(DctSox10)</i> results in congenital white spotting and premature hair graying.


<p>(A, B) Ventral and dorsal views demonstrating variable hypopigmentation in <i>Tg(DctSox10)/+</i> and <i>Tg(DctSox10)/Tg(DctSox10)</i> mice during hair morphogenesis and adult hair cycling. (C) Frequency of pigmented (pig+) and non-pigmented (pig−) anagen III/IV (7dpp) hairs that contain (DCT+ LPP cells) or do not contain (no LPP cells) LPP melanocytes within <i>Tg(DctSox10)</i> or <i>+/+</i> mice. The ages of mice analyzed ranged between 9–22 weeks at harvest. Significance determined by chi-square analysis (p<<0.0001) and evaluation of standardized residuals (*, z = −8.84; **, z = 12.24).</p

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