LPP melanocytes are reduced in <i>Tg(DctSox10)</i> homozygotes during hair morphogenesis.
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<p>(A) Brightfield images of hairs in <i>Tg(DctSox10)</i> and <i>+/+</i> littermates at P2. (B) Number of DCT<sup>+</sup> melanocytes within the LPP of hairs at P2 (stage 6 hairs) and P7/8. At both time points, LPP melanocytes per hair are reduced in <i>Tg(DctSox10)/Tg(DctSox10)</i> compared to <i>Tg(DctSox10)/+</i> and <i>+/+</i> mice (*p<0.017). (C, D) Quantitative immunohistochemical analysis of stage 6 hairs from P2 skins for DCT and TRP1, or DCT and KIT. The population of DCT<sup>+</sup>/TRP1<sup>+</sup> cells is significantly reduced in <i>Tg(DctSox10)/Tg(DctSox10)</i> in comparison to <i>Tg(DctSox10)/+</i> and +/+ mice (*p<0.008). <i>Tg(DctSox10)</i> also causes a switch in KIT intensity from KIT<sup>hi</sup> in wild type to KIT<sup>low</sup> in <i>Tg(DctSox10)</i> animals (*KIT<sup>lo</sup> and **KIT<sup>hi</sup> comparisons made between +/+ and <i>Tg(DctSox10)/+</i> or <i>+/+</i> and <i>Tg(DctSox10)/Tg(DctSox10)</i>; p<0.005).</p