Investigation of the Interfaces in Schottky Diodes
Using Equivalent Circuit Models
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The metal–semiconductor contact
is one of the most critical factors that determine the performance
of semiconductor devices such as Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs). SBDs
between conductive carbon thin films and silicon have attracted attention
due to their high performance and potential low cost of fabrication.
Here, we introduce impedance spectroscopy (IS) as a powerful technique
to characterize such SBDs. The electrical and structural characteristics
of carbon–silicon SBDs between silicon and two different types
of conductive carbon thin films have been investigated. Modeling the
data with an extended equivalent circuit model reveals the effects
of the metal electrode contacts of SBDs for the first time. From dc
current–voltage measurements, diode parameters including the
ideality factor, the Schottky barrier height, and the series resistance
are extracted. Through use of analysis with IS, additional information
on the Schottky contact is obtained, such as the built-in potential
and more reliable barrier height values. Thus, IS can be utilized
to analyze interfaces between metals and semiconductors in great detail
by electrical means