Knockdown of <i>gei-11</i> suppresses polyQ aggregation and toxicity.
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<p>(A) <i>gei-11</i> RNAi suppressed Q35 aggregation in BWM cells of 6 day old animals, shown by the diffuse fluorescent pattern in II, IV and VI, in contrast to a foci-like pattern in the vector control I, III, V. Scale bar: 0.1 mm (I–IV), 0.025 mm (V–VI). Boxed areas correspond to the magnified images below. (B) FRAP analysis shows relative fluorescence intensity recovery at each time-point post-photobleaching. Control Q35 foci (in black; vector) revealed no fluorescence recovery, while <i>gei-11</i>-treated animals showed complete recovery of fluorescence (in blue), analogous to the soluble Q24 control (in red). Each curve represents an average of >12 independent measurements for <i>gei-11</i> RNAi, and >5 for the controls. (C) Motility assay for 6 day old Q35 and wt animals fed with vector, <i>gei-11</i> or <i>yfp</i> RNAi, measured in body-length-per-second and relative to wt speed in vector control (100%) (±SEM, Student t-test **<i>p</i><0.01, ***<i>p</i><0.001).</p