Immune states.
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<p>The immune states and their transitions for infection and vaccine induced immunity. For individuals in the non-immune categories the time in this category depends on the infection rates and vaccination strategies. For other immune states, time in the state before losing immunity is sampled from a defined distribution, modulated by exposure/vaccination history. Where there are multiple possible transitions out of a state, conditional probabilities determine which path an individual follows. The order in which the probabilities are applied is specified in the text. <i>P<sub>6</sub></i>, <i>P<sub>7</sub></i>, <i>P<sub>8</sub></i> refer to subclinical infections, <i>P<sub>9</sub></i>, <i>P<sub>10</sub></i> to clinical infections. <i>P<sub>11</sub>, P<sub>12</sub></i> probabilities of inducing immunity in non-vaccinated individuals, <i>P<sub>13</sub>, P<sub>14</sub>, P<sub>15</sub></i> in previously vaccinated individuals.</p