Polymorphism of Prasugrel Hydrochloride in Reactive Crystallization
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polymorphism of prasugrel hydrochloride was investigated in reactive
batch crystallization experiments at 20 and 40 °C. The solubility
of prasugrel hydrochloride form I and form II was experimentally determined.
To understand the effects of reaction kinetics, supersaturation ratio,
and nucleation kinetics on the behavior of concomitant polymorphism
of prasugrel hydrochloride and the solvent-mediated transformation
process, online techniques such as attenuated transform reflectance
Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy,
and focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) were used to in situ
monitor the reactive crystallization of prasugrel hydrochloride. It
was found that prasugrel and hydrochloric acid react promptly and
the designed supersaturation can be established almost instantly.
The interfacial energies and thus relative nucleation rates of prasugrel
hydrochloride form I and form II were calculated, and it was concluded
that, at all investigated supersaturations, the nucleation rate of
form II is always higher than the nucleation rate of form I. At lower
supersaturation, thermodynamics dominated the crystallization process
and form I was obtained, while at higher supersaturation, kinetics
was critical in the crystallization process and form II was produced.
At moderate supersaturation, both thermodynamics and kinetics played
important roles and concomitant polymorphism of form I and form II
was observed. Solvent-mediated transformation experiments were performed
with and without seeding. It turns out that the transformation cannot
happen without seeding of form I. Therefore, not reaction kinetics
and polymorphic transformation but the concomitant nucleation should
be the inherent reason for the observed concomitant polymorphism