Transgenic overexpression of PABA synthase improves thermotolerance of strain <i>8213</i>.
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<p>(A) Relative mRNA level of <i>Pabs</i> gene of strains <i>02</i>, <i>8213</i> and two <i>Pabs</i>-overexpressing transgenic strains <i>TB-2</i> and <i>TB-3</i> (derived from <i>8213</i>) under normal temperature (23°C) and heat stress (33°C). The mRNA of corresponding samples was extracted and analyzed after 24 hours of treatment. (B) The PABA content of strains <i>02</i>, <i>8213</i> and <i>TB-2</i> and <i>TB-3</i> under normal temperature (23°C) and heat stress (33°C) for 3 days. The PABA content of corresponding samples was extracted and measured after 3 days of treatment. (C) The mycelia growth of Strains <i>02</i>, <i>8213</i> and <i>TB-2</i> and <i>TB-3</i> under normal temperature (23°C) and heat stress (33°C). Mycelia cultures were photographed after 2 weeks of treatment. (D) The mycelia elongation of strains <i>02</i>, <i>8213</i> and <i>TB-2</i> and <i>TB-3</i> under normal temperature (23°C) and heat stress (33°C). The mycelia length is measured after 14 and 21 days of treatment. Three independent biological replicates were performed for each analysis. Data are expressed as average ± SEM. Unpaired t-tests were performed between strain <i>8213</i> and all other strains as indicated within each treatment condition, ns: P>0.05, *: P<0.05, **: P<0.01.</p