Representative CIN 3 staining patterns.
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<p>Columns a-d: Four H&E stained CIN 3 specimens (all HPV 16 positive); e-h: HPV <i>E6/E7</i> RNA CISH staining patterns; i-l: <i>p16</i> mRNA CISH staining patterns; m-p: p16<sup>INK4a</sup> IHC staining patterns. All CIN 3 lesions showed staining patterns consistent with the transformative phase of HPV infection. HPV staining was detected throughout the thickness of the epithelium as strongly staining nuclear and cytoplasmic dots. Occasional diffusely staining nuclei were detected in some lesions in the outermost superficial layer; focal ‘CIN 2 patterns’ were noted along with some CIN 3 (e). <i>p16</i> mRNA staining was notable qualitatively stronger and detectable in all layers (I, j, k, l). All images were originally taken using a 20X objective lens. Scale bar: 50 µm.</p