Nature of the EPSC evoked by local electrical stimulus in the presence of BMI (10 µM).


<p><b>A</b>: current traces of the response evoked by single local electrical stimulus and recorded at holding membrane potentials of −40 and −100 mV before glutamatergic antagonists application (1.Control) and during superfusion with CNQX (20 µM; 2.CNQX), APV (50 µM) following CNQX wash out (3. APV) and CNQX and APV (4. CNQX+APV). Recordings were obtained in a MS neuron from a P20 animal. Current traces represent the average of 6 sweeps. <b>B</b>: Current-voltage relationship of the response recorded between −120 mV and 20 mV. The early component of the EPSC was measured 9 ms after the stimulus as indicated by the left vertical arrow in A. The late component was measured 53 ms after the stimulus as indicated by the right vertical arrow in A.</p

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