
Problemy integratsii religioznykh men'shinstv: keysy Evropeyskogo Soyuza i Rossiyskoy Federatsii = The challenges of the integration of religious minorities: case studies in the EU and Russian Federation


This article provides a critical examination and comparison of the contemporary position of three religious minorities: the Muslims in Glasgow; the Sikhs in Novellara and the Kryashens in Tatarstan. This is initially accomplished through an overview of the socio-economic, cultural and political impact of the religious minorities as three important case studies and through their relationship with the dominant form of religion and religious identity. The article will then analyse this information and these relationships using two lenses. First, we will use the four types of claims for recognition proposed by Koenig (2015): (1) claims for recognition of difference (2); claims for more autonomy in public spheres (3); claims for tolerance and (4) call for greater recognition for equal participation in organization of the state. Second, we will use the four acculturation strategies proposed by Berry (1997): (1) integration; (2) assimilation; (3) separation; and (4) marginalisation. The article will conclude with some final comments on gender and youth

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