JCV miR-J1-5p detection in feces.
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<p>(A) To test whether JCV miRNA is present in stool, we extracted total RNA from stool samples and performed TaqMan based miRNA expression analyses. Expression of miR-J1-5p was normalized to mean miR-16 and -26b levels and further adjusted to the sample with the lowest miR-J1-5p expression level (1*). (B) To test the reproducibility of miRNA detection, we performed independent RNA extraction from the same samples in the subset of fecal samples from healthy subjects (n = 5). The samples were normalized to mean miR-16 and -26b expression. (C) Concomitant expression analyses of miR-J1-5p and -3p showed no correlation with JCV miRNA expression, arguing for potential cross-reactivity with BKV microRNA. (D&E) To measure JCV miR-J1-5p expression in feces from CRC patients, miR-J1-5p was analyzed by TaqMan PCR in 29 FOBT specimens from patients without and with colorectal neoplasia. Fold-expression was calculated using the 2<sup>−ΔCt</sup> method normalized to mean miR-16 and -26b expression. D Represents the single sample values and E the mean values ± SD.</p