Heparin-Like Properties of Sulfated Alginates with
Defined Sequences and Sulfation Degrees
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glycosaminoglycans have a vast range of protein interactions
relevant to the development of new biomaterials and pharmaceuticals,
but their characterization and application is complicated mainly due
to a high structural variability and the relative difficulty to isolate
large quantities of structurally homogeneous samples. Functional and
versatile analogues of heparin/heparan sulfate can potentially be
created from sulfated alginates, which offer structure customizability
through targeted enzymatic epimerization and precise tuning of the
sulfation degree. Alginates are linear polysaccharides consisting
of β-d-mannuronic acid (M) and α-l-guluronic
acid (G), derived from brown algae and certain bacteria. The M/G ratio
and distribution of blocks are critical parameters for the physical
properties of alginates and can be modified in vitro using mannuronic-C5-epimerases
to introduce sequence patterns not found in nature. Alginates with
homogeneous sequences (poly-M, poly-MG, and poly-G) and similar molecular
weights were chemically sulfated and structurally characterized by
the use of NMR and elemental analysis. These sulfated alginates were
shown to bind and displace HGF from the surface of myeloma cells in
a manner similar to heparin. We observed dependence on the sulfation
degree (DS) as well as variation in efficacy based on the alginate
monosaccharide sequence, relating to relative flexibility and charge
density in the polysaccharide chains. Co-incubation with human plasma
showed complement compatibility of the alginates and lowering of soluble
terminal complement complex levels by sulfated alginates. The sulfated
polyalternating (poly-MG) alginate proved to be the most reproducible
in terms of precise sulfation degrees and showed the greatest relative
degree of complement inhibition and HGF interaction, maintaining high
activity at low DS values