Avtor se v magistrskem delu ukvarja s postopkom in primerjavo prevzema delniške družbe v Sloveniji in Makedoniji. Predstavljena je celotna normativna ureditev prevzemnega postopka v Zakonu o prevzemih in Zakonu za prezemanje na akcionerskite društva.
Maja leta 2004 je Slovenija postala polnopravna članica Evropske unije. S tem se je zavezala spoštovati evropsko zakonodajo in uskladiti svojo nacionalno zakonodajo z evropsko.
Makedonija je ob osamosvojitvi leta 1991 poudarila članstvo v Evropski uniji kot svoj strateški interes. Leta 2001 je ratificirala sporazum o stabilizaciji in asociaciji z državami članicami Evropske unije. S tem sporazumom se je zavezala postopoma uskladiti nacionalno zakonodajo z evropskimi pravili.
Cilj prevzemne zakonodaje je zakonsko in učinkovito urediti varstvo manjšinskih delničarjev, investitorjev na trgu vrednostnih papirjev ter sam trg vrednostnih papirjev v postopku pridobitve kontrolnega deleža. Glavni institut, vezan na prevzemno zakonodajo, je obvezna ponudba za odkup vseh delnic. Institut obvezne ponudbe omogoča manjšinskim delničarjem zapustiti ciljno družbo s tem, da delnice odsvojijo po pravični ceni.
Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na tri sklope. V prvem sklopu je predstavljena pravna ureditev prevzemov v Sloveniji, v drugem pa v Makedoniji. Tretji sklop je namenjen primerjavi slovenske in makedonske prevzemne zakonodaje.The author in the master\u27s thesis presents the procedure and comparison of a stock corporation in Slovenia and Macedonia. The entire normative regulation of the takeover procedure is presented in the Slovenian Takeover Act and Macedonian Takeover Act.
In May 2004, Slovenia became a full member of the European Union. By doing so, it has committed itself to respect European legislation and adapt its national legislation with the legislation of the European Union.
At the time of independence in 1991, Macedonia emphasized its membership in the EU as its strategic interest. Year 2001 has ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the Member States of the European Union. With this agreement, Macedonia has undertaken to gradually adapt national legislation with European rules.
The aim of the takeover regulation is to legally and effectively regulate the protection of minority shareholders, investors in the Securities Market and the Securities Market itself in the process of acquiring or enhancing controlling interest of a stock corporation. The main institute, related to the takeover legislation, is a mandatory bid for purchasing all the shares. The mandatory bid allows minority shareholders to leave the target company by selling shares at a fair price.
The master\u27s thesis can be divided into three sections. In the first section is presented the takeover regulation in Slovenia and in the second section the takeover regulation in Macedonia. The third section is contained from the comparison of the the Slovenian and Macedonian takeover regulation