Determination of endogenous ROS generation by BER and induction of apoptosis (a) (upper panel) bar graph representing relative fluorescent units when cells were treated with DCFDA in presence and absence of BER, AA is added to revert the ROS production, (lower panel) fluorescent microscopy images of WT <i>C. albicans</i> cells labeled with DCFDA, (b) Cytometric determination FITC Annexin V labeling in WT cells treated with BER.
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<p>Determination of endogenous ROS generation by BER and induction of apoptosis (a) (upper panel) bar graph representing relative fluorescent units when cells were treated with DCFDA in presence and absence of BER, AA is added to revert the ROS production, (lower panel) fluorescent microscopy images of WT <i>C. albicans</i> cells labeled with DCFDA, (b) Cytometric determination FITC Annexin V labeling in WT cells treated with BER.</p