Deletion of <i>col-26</i> causes defects in glucose sensing/metabolism.
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<p>(A) Mycelial biomass of the Δ<i>col-26</i> mutant relative to WT and the Δ<i>cre-1</i> strains on glucose, fructose, sucrose, or cellobiose. Mycelial biomass was measured at 24 hrs after inoculation. (B) Glucose uptake of WT, Δ<i>vib-1</i>, Δ<i>cre-1</i>, Δ<i>col-26</i>; Δ<i>vib-1</i> and the Δ<i>cre-1</i>; Δ<i>col-26</i>; Δ<i>vib-1</i> mutants was assayed by monitoring glucose remaining in the medium at 5 min, 20 min, and 60 min from cultures of identical biomass.</p