Knockdown of TMEM16A in SW620 cells.
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<p>A, Western blot analysis of TMEM16A protein expression in SW620 cells that were transfected with shRNA #1 and #2. B, The bar graph summarizes the relative expression level of TMEM16A protein from panel A. Expression of TEMEM16A protein was normalized with the expression level of β-actin (n = 3). C, Representative immunofluence images of SW620 cells are shown after TMEM16A is knockdown by shRNA #1 and shRNA #2, compared with control shRNA (200×). D, The bar graph summarizes the peak currents recorded at 100 mV voltage in SW620 cells after TMEM16A was knocked down, compared with control shRNA. **p<0.01. All data are shown as mean ± SD. E, Whole-cell currents were recorded from SW620 cells transfected with control shRNA, shRNA #1 and #2 at a holding potential of 0 mV followed by pulsing voltages between ±100 mV in steps of 20 mV.</p