Sensitivity analysis for assumptions about density dependence in transmission and permanent effects of ivermectin on adult worms.
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<p>The results presented here are based on a setting where the pre-control community microfilarial load is 30 microfilariae per skin snip.</p><p>* Numbers in parentheses represent differences relative to the strategy of continuing mass treatment annually at 65% coverage.</p><p>** The probability of elimination was less than 99% within the scope of the simulations (maximum 20 future treatment rounds).</p><p>*** Permanent effects of ivermectin on adult worms were assumed to be either a factor 2/3 lower or a factor 3/2 higher (see <a href="" target="_blank">Table 2</a> for details).</p><p>Sensitivity analysis for assumptions about density dependence in transmission and permanent effects of ivermectin on adult worms.</p