DG-IST without INT- or MC- mediated inhibition.
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<p>(A) Mean MSE of 100 instances of <i>x</i> vectors with: <i>N</i> = 1000, <i>a</i> = 2%, <i>M</i> ≥ <i>a</i> ⋅ log(<i>N</i>/<i>a</i>) estimated using IST (blue), DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 (red), DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 without INT-mediated inhibition (green), and DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 without MC-mediated inhibition (black) (Inset: magnification of the last 100 iterations). (B) Boxplots of the MSE of 100 instances of <i>x</i> vectors with: <i>N</i> = 1000, <i>a</i> = 2%, <i>M</i> ≥ <i>a</i> ⋅ log(<i>N</i>/<i>a</i>) estimated using IST, DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96, DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 without INT-mediated inhibition, and DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 without MC-mediated inhibition. (C) MSE of a specific instance of vector <i>x</i> with: <i>N</i> = 1000, <i>a</i> = 2%, <i>M</i> ≥ <i>a</i> ⋅ log(<i>N</i>/<i>a</i>) estimated using IST (blue), DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 (red), DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 without INT-mediated inhibition (green), and DG-IST with <i>d</i> = 96 without MC-mediated inhibition (black).</p