Key Residues for Protein Allostery through
Rigid Residue Scan
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Allostery is a ubiquitous process
for protein regulatory activity
in which a binding event can change a protein’s function carried
out at a distal site. Despite intensive theoretical and experimental
investigation of protein allostery in the past five decades, effective
methods have yet to be developed that can systematically identify
key residues involved in allosteric mechanisms. In this study, we
propose the rigid residue scan as a systematic approach to identify
important allosteric residues. The third PDZ domain (PDZ3) in the
postsynaptic density 95 protein (PSD-95) is used as a model system,
and each amino acid residue is treated as a single rigid body during
independent molecular dynamics simulations. Various indices based
on cross-correlation matrices are used, which allow for two groups
of residues with different functions to be identified. The first group
is proposed as “switches” that are needed to “turn
on” the binding effect of protein allostery. The second group
is proposed as “wire residues” that are needed to propagate
energy or information from the binding site to distal locations within
the same protein. Among the nine residues suggested as important for
PDZ3 intramolecular communication in this study, eight have been reported
as critical for allostery in PDZ3. Therefore, the rigid residue scan
approach is demonstrated to be an effective method for systemically
identifying key residues in protein intramolecular communication and
allosteric mechanisms