List of titles reviewed


This dataset contains the 2214 titles reviewed (393 duplicates are not included here). Codebook: OUTCOME_title = FINAL outcome of Title review: 2.00 EXCLUDED (do not review abstract), 3.00 INCLUDED (review ABSTRACT), 5.00 NO ABSTRACT, 9.00 extra reference (manual review of retrieved articles). OUTCOME_abstract = FINAL outcome of Abstract review: 2.00 EXCLUDED (do not review abstract), 3.00 NCLUDED (review ABSTRACT), 5.00 NO ABSTRACT, 9.00 extra reference (manual review of retrieved articles). OUTCOME_paper = FINAL outcome paper: 1.00 INCLUDED in the systematic review, 2.00 EXCLUDED from Systematic review, 4.00 INCLUDED in syst. rev. (EXTRA ref), 8.00 n/a. Title = Title of the manuscript. Authors = List of authors

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