Identification of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for
the Anti-infective Desotamides and Production of a New Analogue in
a Heterologous Host
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The desotamides (DSAs) are potent
antibacterial cyclohexapeptides
produced by <i>Streptomyces scopuliridis</i> SCSIO ZJ46.
We have identified the 39-kb <i>dsa</i> biosynthetic gene
cluster by whole-genome scanning. Composed of 17 open reading frames,
the cluster codes for four nonribosomal peptide synthetases and associated
resistance, transport, regulatory, and precursor biosynthesis proteins.
Heterologous expression of the <i>dsa</i> gene cluster in <i>S. coelicolor</i> M1152 afforded desotamides A and B and the
new desotamide G. Cluster identification and its demonstrated amenability
to heterologous expression provide the foundation for future mechanistic
studies as well as the generation of new and potentially clinically
significant DSA analogues