Scatter plots of the MACE results and subsequent analyses of differential expression for DEGseq (A), NOISeq (B) and DESeq (C).
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<p>Each plot contains all identified transcripts (grey dots), as well as the analysis-specific DE transcripts (red dots). Further, the candidate genes validated via RT-qPCR are shown, as well as the corresponding stably expressed reference genes. The x- and y-axis give the transcript count in the well-watered and the drought stressed pool, respectively. Counts are normalized differently for the three analyses: tags per million (TPM) for DEGseq, trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) for NOISeq and hitcount/size factor (hc/fc) for DESeq. Transcripts falling on the straight line (90° bisecting line) are equally expressed in both pools. Transcripts above the line are up-regulated in response to drought stress, while those below the line are down-regulated.</p