Overexpressing <i>GarWRKYs Arabidopsis</i> plants at germination stage under saltstress.
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<p>(A) Seedlings of the WT and 2 <i>GarWRKY104</i>-overexpressing lines germinated on MS medium adding 150 mM NaCl; (B) Seeds from the WT and 3 <i>GarWRKY17</i>-overexpressing lines were germinated on MS medium; (C) Germination rate of WT and 2 <i>GarWRKY104</i>-overexpressing lines; (D) Germination rate of WT and 3 <i>GarWRKY17</i>-overexpressing lines. The data are mean ± SE of three biological replicates. * and ** indicate statistical significance at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively.</p