The sources and descriptions of environmental variables used to develop species distribution models for the 76 native stream fish species in the United States.
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<p>Data are from NHDplusV1 [<a href="" target="_blank">50</a>] and NHDplusV2 [<a href="" target="_blank">51</a>], NFHAP [<a href="" target="_blank">53</a>], USGS-LCI [<a href="" target="_blank">49</a>], and PRISM [<a href="" target="_blank">33</a>]. The environmental variables, if not specified, were measured per inter-confluence river segment.</p><p><sup>a</sup> This index is calculated based on 15 disturbance variables [<a href="" target="_blank">6</a>]. The influence of each distribution variable was weighted by the results of multiple linear regression of all variables against a commonly used biological indicator of habitat condition (i.e., percent intolerant fishes at a site).</p><p>The sources and descriptions of environmental variables used to develop species distribution models for the 76 native stream fish species in the United States.</p