Changes in seedling chlorophyll content of four eucalypt clones under different acid aluminum treatments.
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<p>G3 represents <i>E</i>. <i>urophylla × E</i>. <i>camaldulensis</i> ‘GLUC3’; G4, <i>E</i>. <i>urophylla</i> ‘GLU4’; G9, <i>E</i>. <i>grandis × E</i>. <i>urophylla</i> ‘GLGU9’; G12, <i>E</i>. <i>grandis × E</i>. <i>urophylla</i> ‘GLGU12’. Treatments: K<sub>0-3</sub>, treatment with 0 mM Al<sup>3+</sup>, pH 3.0; K<sub>4.4–3</sub>, 4.4 mM Al<sup>3+</sup>, pH 3.0; K<sub>0-4</sub>, 0 mM Al<sup>3+</sup>, pH 4.0; K<sub>4.4–4</sub>, 4.4 mM Al<sup>3+</sup>, pH 4.0; CK, control treatment, 0 mM Al<sup>3+</sup>, pH 4.8. Capital letters represent significant differences between treatments within an eucalypt clone at the 0.01 level, small letters are at the 0.05 level, n = 3.</p