Anisotropic Ion Transport in a Poly(ethylene oxide)–LiClO<sub>4</sub> Solid State Electrolyte Templated by Graphene Oxide
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Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs)
have attracted intensive attention
due to their potential applications in all-solid-state lithium batteries.
Tailoring crystallization is crucial to the design of high performance
poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)–based SPEs. In this paper, we demonstrate
that PEO crystal orientation in a PEO–lithium electrolyte results
in anisotropic ionic conductivity along and through the crystalline
lamellae. This conductivity anisotropy can be further enhanced by
incorporating two-dimensional graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets, which
retard PEO crystallization, template the crystal orientation, and
guide the ion transport, leading to highly anisotropic and conductive
nanocomposite polymer electrolytes