IRI results in progressive fibrosis.
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<p><b>(A)</b> α-SMA immunohistochemistry—typical views from the indicated treatment group post and time point (upper panels) and quantification of α-SMA immunohistochemistry staining, scale bar represents 100μm. (<b>B)</b> quantification of α-SMA staining. <b>(C)</b> Sirius red staining–typical views from the indicated treatment group post and time point (upper panels) and quantification of Sirius red staining, scale bar represents 100μm. (<b>D</b>) quantification of Sirius red staining. <b>(E-F)</b> qRT-PCR analysis in ischaemic and sham ischaemic lobes. Data are the mean and standard deviation from 3 separate animals at each time point and treatment, *Significantly different compared to sham IRI group, p<0.05.</p