Water Maze testing with reversal learning.
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<p>(A) Latency to the hidden platform during the initial place training phase. Over the course of training all three groups learned equally well to navigate to the hidden platform. (B) Illustration of data from trials in which the platform was unavailable. The figure shows the percent of time each group spent in the quadrant where the platform is normally located (Quad 1- target platform) versus the quadrant opposite of that (Quad 3). All three groups spent more time in the Target quadrant (Quad 1) relative to Quad 3 (p<0.001), (white line represents chance levels (25%). (C) Latency to locate hidden platform at new location in reversal training trials. Similar to training during initial place learning, all three groups decreased the time to the escape platform in a similar manner (p<0.001). (D) The percent time in each quadrant during the final probe trial after all training has been completed. In this trial the 2.4% nicotine/PG exposed mice trended towards a spatial bias for the new platform location, however analysis yielded only a marginal effect of Quadrant (F<sub>1,25</sub> = 2.986, p < 0.096). The marginal effect prompted an analysis by one sample <i>t</i>-tests to compare each groups time in the new location to chance (25%), and only the 2.4% nicotine/PG exposed mice spent significantly more than 25% of time in the new location (t<sub>7</sub> = 2.632, p < 0.034, n = 7–13).</p