Induced <i>Myb</i> ablation results in FLT3 down-regulation in a population highly enriched in LMPP.
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<p>(A) Representative histogram and two-dimensional flow cytometric plot analysis of cells in the KSL compartment of the bone marrow of the cKO and control mice 24 hours post poly(I:C) injection. (B) The cells were further analysed for surface expression of FIT3 and the proportion of different KSL sub-fractions were assessed based on the surface expression of VCAM-1 and CD62L. Regrouping 7 experiments, the right panel shows their relative contribution in percentage of the gated population, indicated as plot header. (C) Serial gating defined a population highly enriched in LMPP (KSL/CD62L<sup>+</sup>/VCAM<sup>-</sup>) for which the percentage of FIT3<sup>hi</sup> cells was measured. (D) Quantitative PCR analysis of <i>Myb</i>, <i>Flt3</i>, <i>Il7r</i>α, <i>Dntt and Notch1</i> RNA expression in KSL cells isolated from the bone marrow of poly(I:C)-induced <i>Myb</i> cKOs and litter-mate controls 24 hours post injection. Expression is normalised to <i>gapdh</i> and standardised the <i>Myb</i><sup><i>+/+</i></sup>:MxCre control samples, set as 1. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Plots are representative of 7 independent experiments. Numbers are plotted as mean ± SEM (***, p<0.0001 and **, p<0.01).</p