<i>Flt3</i> intronic element hypersensitivity coincides with FLT3 expression in primary haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.
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<p>Upper panel gives a schematic representation of the murine <i>Flt3</i> promoter and first intron (filled box indicates exon1) and shows the level of cross-species sequence conservation and the position of repeated sequences. The underlined regions A B and C indicate the general location of the regions of hypersensitivity to DNAseI digestion in HPC7 cells. Lower panel plots show the assessment of DNaseI digestion sensitivity in the HPC7 cell line and in primary KSL FIT3<sup>+</sup>, KSL FITt3<sup>-</sup> cells, CMP (LIN<sup>-</sup>/KIT<sup>+</sup>/SCA-1<sup>-</sup>/ CD34<sup>-</sup>/CD16/32<sup>+</sup>), GMP (LIN<sup>-</sup>/KIT<sup>+</sup>/SCA-1<sup>-</sup>/CD34<sup>+</sup>/CD16/32<sup>+</sup>) and MEP (LIN<sup>-</sup>/KIT<sup>+</sup>/SCA-1<sup>-</sup>/CD34<sup>-</sup>/CD16/32<sup>-</sup>). For primary cells, the analysis are restricted to the digestion sites observed in HCP7 at -1.45 kb (HS-A), 0.15kb (HS-B) and +7.5kb (HS-C) from the murine <i>Flt3</i> initiation codon.</p